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Pro/Engineer  Pro/E Modeling Tricks
The Pro/Engineer Tip-of-the-Month was a feature of Synthesis Engineering for many years.  Though we no longer write the tips, These pages continue to have a lot of traffic, so we keep them here.
At one time, as a PTC Certified Engineering Provider (CEP) we wrote these tips to promote Pro/Engineer.  The tips and tricks cover a spectrum from complex geometry and surface modeling to assembly, drawings, short cuts and administrative functions.  They were here for the novice as well as the advanced Pro/Engineer user.
Enjoy the tips!  Tell a friend if you like.  For historical purposes, these tips will remain for now.  You may also wish to visit  these Pro/E tips resources.

The  Pro/Engineer Tip-of-the-Month.

Don't forget, you can still call Synthesis for engineering assistance and design specific Pro/Engineer mentoring.

More Reading:  Accelerating Pro/E Design -- Learn to go faster designing with Pro/Engineer.  Part 1  &  Part 2

The Synthesis  Library of Pro/Engineer Tips  -  A list of past Pro/E Tips and Tricks!

Symbol Key:  Pro/E Part Mode TipsPart.  Tips for AssemblyAssembly.  Pro/Engineer Drawing TricksDrawing.  Tips, Tricks for SketcherSketcher.  Pro/E Admin FunctionsAdmin.

This is now our 9th year of the Pro/Engineer Tip-of-the-Month.  You can sign up here to receive the Pro/Engineer tips each month by e-mail.  It's a Free service of Synthesis.  (No spam, just tips.)
AdminAssembly April 2006 Looking for the Concepts of Top-Down Design.
PartDrawing March 2006 Open Drawing Models quickly right from Drawing Mode.
Drawing February 2006 Custom BOM Balloons with text and/or parameters displayed.
Sketch January 2006 Controlling the behaviors of Sketcher with Sketcher Preferences.

DrawingSketch December 2005 Tips & Techniques with Dimensioning for Arcs.
PartAssembly November 2005 Creating Geometry Using Graphics or Images.
Part October 2005 Graphic Visualization of Selected Surfaces.
PartDrawing September 2005 Customizing Cross Section Cross Hatching.
Sketch August 2005 A Work-Around for Centered Text.
PartAssembly July 2005 Use Preview to Select Earlier Model Iterations.
Assembly June 2005 Small Scale Parts put in Large Scale Assemblies.
PartAssembly May 2005 Using IN SESSION Sections to Retrieve & Reuse Data.
Part April 2005 Power Tools:  Datum Curves created by Equations.
Admin March 2005 Speed & Stability via Hardware for Pro/E.
PartDrawing February 2005 Re-Claiming Previous Version Functionality.
PartAssembly January 2005 Feature Patterns that Follow a Curve.

Assembly December 2004 WF2 Functionality for View Clipping with Cross Sections.
Part November 2004 Save As > STL.
Admin October 2004 Using the Pro/E Trail File to Diagnose File Locations.
Sketch September 2004 Discovering Missing or Poorly Assigned Sketcher Constraints.
Assembly August 2004 Validating Assembly Mass Properties Calculations.
PartAssembly July 2004 Displaying Materials as Parameters Linked to Material Files.
Assembly June 2004 Power ToolsInterference / Clearance Checks.
SketchDrawing May 2004 A simple trick for making a Dimensioning Scheme of mirrored half parts.
Sketch April 2004 Dimensioning schemes for easy reuse of Sketcher Sections.
PartAssembly March 2004 Using Layers to hide unwanted model dimensions.
PartAssembly February 2004 A tip for when Ref Patterns get confused.
Admin January 2004 How to Transfer a Pro/Intralink Workspace from one Machine to Another.

Part December 2003 Rediscovering Good Modeling Practices for better models and greater ROI.
Drawing November 2003 Drawing Text Style for easier reading and emphasis in drawing notes.
AssemblyAdmin October 2003 Using Pro/E Search Paths and Search.pro files.
Part September 2003 Extending Draft beyond the 30 degree feature limit.
Drawing August 2003 How to work on one Pro/E Drawing in Multiple Windows simultaneously.
PartAssembly July 2003 Viewing Pro/E's model window Text Size the way you want.
Admin June 2003 A much more detailed look Pro/Engineer Wildfire and the reduced functionality.
PartAssembly May 2003 A fun ride with sign control in Relation driven Pattern Tables.
Drawing April 2003 Using symbol codes for formatting Drawing Notes with a few extras.
Sketch March 2003 Dimensioning Curvature at Spline Ends for better Continuity.
PartAssembly February 2003 Creating Pro/E Model Animations that others can view without special software.
Sketch January 2003 Moving the Scale & Rotate Center Icon for easier selection positioning.

Drawing December 2002 Make the "Select to Keep" button the Drawing Show/Erase default option.
Part November 2002 Tricks to Visualizing small Model Changes after modification and regeneration.
Part October 2002 Power ToolsGrouping features with more control of the functionality.
Drawing September 2002 Putting Pro/E drawing and/or model File Names on the drawing and in notes.
PartAssembly August 2002 Understanding and interrogating Parent/Child relationships in model genealogy.
Sketch July 2002 Personalize your work space Toolbars for optimal performance.
PartDrawing June 2002 Using a drawing table to master part Parameters for assemblies.
Part May 2002 Using Intent Chains for quicker, more robust edge selection.
Admin April 2002 Cleaning up the table disk after eating working with the kids in Pro/E
PartAssembly March 2002 Power ToolsEvaluate Features for easy access to model measurements.
Admin February 2002 How to Customize and Edit Toolbar Icons for a GUI approach to mapkeys.
Admin January 2002 The new Relations Editor hidden in Pro/E 2001 is a hint of things to come.

Proe PartPro/E Assembly December 2001 Using the Insert Menu for "Quick Feature" creation.
Sketcher November 2001 Lock or exclude Sketcher Constraints for more control while sketching.
Proe PartPro/E Assembly October 2001 Make the Pro/E Color.map work for you.  Download available.
Drawing September 2001 Showing Centerlines at arc centers in cross sections on drawings.
Proe Part August 2001 Creating part solids from imported DXF's.
Proe Part July 2001 Modeling tricks for making Patterns.
Proe PartPro/E Assembly June 2001 Should you make Datums "On the Fly" or as individual Discrete Features?
Proe Part May 2001 Tricks to Reordering (even when Pro/E doesn't want to ...)
Drawing April 2001 What does it mean "WARNING: The drawing is more recent than the model"?
Admin March 2001 Using Windows Drag & Drop with Pro/E.
Proe PartSketcher February 2001 Pro/E 2000i2 - What were they thinking ?!.?.!  Survey results.
Pro/E Assembly January 2001 Power Tools:  Using Assembly Advanced Utilities

Proe PartPro/E Assembly December 2000 Power Tools:  Taking advantage of Group functions all-or-nothing behavior.
Proe Part November 2000 How to convert a 2D Pattern into a Non-Uniform Pattern.
Drawing October 2000 Getting the Yellow out of exported DXF drawings.
Drawing September 2000 Combining Drawings:  How to make 2 drawings into 1.
Pro/E Assembly August 2000 A design approach to Assembly Constraints and Top-Down Design.
Proe Part July 2000 Using groups to make Patterns of feature patterns.
Admin June 2000 Solving a simple problem with Shaded Viewing and speed.
Drawing May 2000 Things to work with to correct "Show Dims" display problems.
Proe PartPro/E Assembly April 2000 Power Tools:  Gaining model control with Reference Dimensions.
Proe Part March 2000 Correcting modeling problems that occur sometimes with Text features.
Proe PartSketcher February 2000 Using the "New" Text features of 2000i (and above).
Sketcher January 2000 Using sketchers Locked DIMs & Animated Modify.

Drawing December 1999 Using Snap Lines for neatness, speed and ease in drawings.
Proe PartPro/E Assembly November 1999 Power Tools:  Getting the most from Model Tree functionality.
Proe PartPro/E Assembly October 1999 Using Equations in Relations for maximum model control - Part 2.
Proe PartPro/E Assembly September 1999 Using Equations in Relations for maximum model control - Part 1.
Pro/E Assembly August 1999 Making a great presentation and easier work with Visibility States.
Proe Part July 1999 Tricks with the Backup Model for easier feature failure resolution.
Sketcher June 1999 Power Tools:  Driving Sketcher Relations from outside of sketcher.
Proe Part May 1999 How can you Undo only "SOME" Changes in resolve mode?
Admin April 1999 Setting the Default View orientation.  Includes view examples.
Proe Part March 1999 A few short tips on working with Text.
Proe Part February 1999 Working with Import Geometry and correcting problems on import.
Proe Part January 1999 Power Tools:  Creative and useful features made with Bends.

Proe Part December 1998 User Defined Features (UDF's) as Power Tools in design.
Proe Part November 1998 Power ToolsVariable Section Sweeps for creating complex geometry.
Proe Part October 1998 Finding the "Missing" feature references in Resolve Mode.
Proe PartDrawing September 1998 Part or Assembly Layers to Drawing Layers.  (Older versions of Pro/E.)
Proe PartPro/E Assembly August 1998 Power Tools:  Using Skeleton models to augment assembly design.
Proe Part July 1998 Power Tools:  Tweak > Replace as a way to get the desired Contour.
Drawing June 1998 Make drawings of Large Parts without getting bogged down in too many dimensions.
Proe Part May 1998 Using Short-Cuts to accelerate design.  (The first short-cuts tip.)
Proe PartPro/E Assembly April 1998 How to make and use Cross Hatching with Datum Curves and Cosmetic features.
Drawing March 1998 Displaying Layers by View in Drawings.
Proe Part February 1998 Power Tools:  Simplifying geometry using Approximate Curves for curvature continuity.
!Admin! January 1998 The month the Pro/E Tip-of-the-Month idea was born.

Disclaimer:  We realize that the details in the older tips and tricks may become outdated and in some cases obsolete with new versions of Pro/E.  However, many of the concepts, even in the older tips are still valuable.  Please enjoy the good information there is, and forgive us for not updating the older tips.  We still think this site has the best ProE tips, tricks and hints on the web!  Join us each month for a new tip.

Other web sites for Pro/Engineer Tips:
  • Olaf Corten has a nice assortment of quick Pro/E tips at: http://www.proesite.com/
  • Edwin Muirhead (had) a collection of tips at: http://www.cadmin.co.uk/proehelp/
  • A good reference site is 3DCADTips.com.  They have loads of tips and links
       -- including generic tips for any system, and software specific tips for many CAD programs.
  • ProeDesigns.com apparently got lost for a while, then they came back as ProeCentral.com, but are gone again.
  • Pro-Stuff.net is a good resource for several things to do with Pro/E.
  • A good site for some not so common Tips is at http://homepage.mac.com/simon.toon/ProTIPS/ProTIPS.htm.

If you have a good idea for a Pro/Engineer tip, trick or hint, drop us a line.

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