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Pro/Engineer   March 2004   Tip-of-the-Month

Using Layers for Dimensions

Is there a way of blanking selective feature dimensions in part mode?  Yes.

Though it may have limited application, this is a useful technique to reduce the clutter of dimensions on the screen.  Applications might include dimensions from threaded hole features like the drill point which may not be of practical use for modification.

The solution is to put the dimensions on a layer and blank it.  Here are the steps:

  1. Select features in Modify Mode to display the dimensions you wish to blank.
  2. Open the Layers Dialog Box.
  3. Create a new layer - name it something that makes sense to you.
  4. Select to Add Item to Layer (the + sign, or menu).
  5. Select 2D Items from the Layer Obj menu.
  6. Select the dimensions you wish to blank.
  7. Pick Done to complete selection.
  8. Blank the layer and repaint.

If you have done it correctly the specified dimensions will not display when you Modify the feature.  If you have any trouble with this, try it again.  Sometimes it takes a few attempts to get it right.  I do not know if that is a Pro/E thing, or a user thing.

One other tip, the items (dimensions) to be placed on layers must be displayed on the screen before you enter the Layers Dialog Box.  I do not know why.

This question was asked by N. Cole of Valmont Industries, who also found the answer from M. Walraven of Syncroness Engineering.  Thanks to both of these gentlemen for the information in this tip.

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