Fueling An Entrepreneurial Community

Fueling the Entrepreneurial Community

Are you part of the movement?  It is not really about the Coffee.  "1 Million Cups" is much more than Caffeine or Networking.  For us, it is about the ideas and positive energy flowing as fuel for the Entrepreneurial Community.  If you have not been introduced, this is movement worth a look.


Fueling An Entrepreneurial CommunityThe idea is from the Kauffman Foundation as a way to spread the Entrepreneurial spirit in communities, and I think it is working.  Synthesis operates in the Colorado Springs Entrepreneurial Community, so 1 Million Cups came as a natural for us.  Now, we are a regular because this is an organization (use the word loosely) we really appreciate.  And, it is not about the Coffee.  We go for the people, the positive energy, and the great ideas.

Check it out if learning from, and sharing ideas with other entrepreneurs is interesting to you.  This is not so much a networking venue, though it does have some of that.  This is more of a sharing and learning vibe.  A place you go to be stimulated by seeing how others have conquered hurdles and found success.  And, it is a place to share a little of what you may know.

1 Million Cups is in dozens of cities all around every Wednesday morning.  Follow the link and look up your community.  We go when we can (about half the time) for the energy and the ideas.  It is the love of being part of a rising Entrepreneurial Community in Colorado Springs, and it is and injection of energy.

Plus, these meetings are always a great stimulation as you increase your own creativity!

Building An Entrepreneurial Community

We love the concept of building community through sharing ideas and positive experience.  We love the concept of building community through entrepreneurs and success.  And, this can be a great place to share the experience of others as we build an entrepreneurial community.

Though we are not the "typical" target business for a 1 Million Cups presentation, Synthesis participates too.  We sponsor the event for a month each year or so as well.  Specifically, early this year, we were asked to present about how we are involved with many small businesses in product development.  Because our business is often helping the starting and expanding businesses as they develop products for market, the organizers at 1 Million Cups Colorado Springs feel it is a good fit.  Here is the video from April 2017.

Yeah, it is always a little awkward to see yourself in a video, but we think it was OK.  You will certainly be a better (less bias) judge.  Enjoy the video.



The video is a production of Nate at Dreamscape Productions.  He is a regular at the Colorado Springs 1 Million Cups as part of our Entrepreneurial Community.  Thank you, Nate, for making the video!

Maybe we will see you there sometime as well?  OK, I will make this invitation official.  Please come join in - if not in Colorado Springs, then wherever you are.  Hopefully the meetings in your area are as fulfilling and educational as the meetings here.

Have A Wonderful Day!


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